Project Description

Piyush Bengani

3/6 Manifestor

Splenic Authority

I recently had a session on the Human Design with Mr. Yogeshwar Kasture. Over the years I have taken part in a lot of training to better myself but this was unlike anything that I had ever witnessed. 

Right from the first session I got to know how I had been making mistakes in my life and I learnt the very simple ways to correct them and live the life that I am supposed to live. These are simple experiments that I can perform throughout my day and what amazed me was that it just required me to choose my words carefully and according to my human design strategy. 

Mr. Yogeshwar Kasture has shown me how I could completely change my life just by remembering my authority and my strategy in all the little things that take place throughout the day. After his sessions immediately I have started to inform people on what I’m going to do and how it will impact them. In fact this was my biggest takeaway from his sessions. 

While receiving the analysis from Mr. Yogeshwar Kasture what i enjoyed the most was his straight forward approach. Most of the time he was talking about my problems or the things that I have been doing wrongly for all these days, yet he never sugar coated any of those issues. He gave it to me directly and this helped me immediately recognise my shortcomings. 

There were many moments where I was astonished by how well he knew about me, about the way I behave or engage with situations. It was like having someone read your autobiography which you haven’t even published yet. This is a testament to his comfort level on delivering the information on Human Design. I kept saying to him that I have goosebumps whenever he revealed such facts about me. 

What helped me the most was the way in which he spoke. Though the way he delivered the information was very straightforward and to the point, I always felt comfortable sharing my problems with him. There were no judgements of any sorts, there were only answers. I still remember how happy and content I had felt each time during our sessions; this was mainly due to two reasons, the first being that I now had the opportunity for the very first time in my life to make drastic improvements to my life and the second reason was the level of comfort and openness that he brought to the table. Before these sessions I was not comfortable opening up to people about myself, but Mr. Yogeshwar Kasture had brought in a whole new ambience for me to share my experiences in. 

He had a consistent smile on his face which may not seem that crucial but in fact it was when you consider the depth of the conversation that we were diving into. And at the same time, his level of knowledge on human design was amazing. He delivered all this in a very fun yet systematic manner, wherein we tackled each and every one of the energy centers without it getting boring or repetitive. What I liked about this approach was that I could easily follow along on all the energy centers and what they meant to me.

In the future I would like to see them in a tabular format where in all those handy questions and their respective statements of the mind could be presented side by side. Right now we tackled them in a linear manner, but I feel we can probably get a better understanding by a tabular recap of those questions and statements. That could enhance my followup and let me experiment with them a lot faster. Also, I would like to know more about each centers, gates and channels of the human design in detail. 

As a whole I am very grateful to have met Mr. Yogeshwar Kasture. I am very happy to have learnt a little about the human design and how it could help me lead my life to its fullest potential. Thank you Sir.