Perspective of our mind drives our thoughts, and actions. If the perspectives are weak in nature, our opinions about things will be biased, it seems that the purpose of Geeta and Ramayana is not triggering the instinct of human beings, since they are the sweet renditions of God, they talk about God, but Upanishadas, they talk about Human, they may play a key role today in our life for wiping out adnyana. In India, the market share of Geeta, Shrimad Bhagwat or Ramayana is too heavy, because they talk about “what God did”, so it helps people for not transforming, because they have a big excuse to give for their adnyana, that, “He was Krishna, for him things were simple…. OR He was Rama, he himself was God….” etc. Upanishadas, on the other hand are practical guides, they shape our thought process, they give us courage to come out of our comfort zone and face life with profundity. Upanishadas push us towards self-introspection (swatma chintan), Geeta or Ramayana gives us thoughts, Upanishadas gives us direction.

“ru jseemv hdjwieo bgid uelkdf guriaero hdfjkah dfhwe jhi dkjlai du hdery kdfjdu ue o piehebthd hdyert heyth sbjoy jdue zhye oitha kdop udhws ahtheon qu ehtosp bsney pomd veytjf ovhdkel kdsla ujj sjkdu dkfli odnf kdbh dkels” You must be thinking that this is a typing error or font error, or the person who typed it, must have made a mistake! We might even try to derive meaning out of it that, what it means, we are seeing something is written, but we don’t understand it, we can’t read it, we can’t comprehend it. This is the topic of the paper.

The unreadable lines signifies nature of ‘worries’ or ‘problems’, which are there in our life (to which we are unable to define), and we are trying to solve them (it is very simple that, the thing which is useless by nature doesn’t required to be answered). For doing the same we indulge ourselves in Karma/Sadhana/Yadnya etc. etc. These days, it would be difficult to find a person with no worries, to which Upnishadas says as “Jivan Mukta”. We are so involved in outer world that, the spiritual practices which are helpful for transformation, have become our “work-to-do”, some of the symptoms are, while doing Puja, our attention is on the milk, which you keep to boil on gas, people say that they do meditation, but they get disturbed by the sounds of utensils, pressure cooker etc. there are many such examples available. So, the efforts we are taking for transformation are creating misery in our life, because if you skip your Sadhana a single day, the so called Gurus have put fear in your mind that something bad will happen, and this thing has made us people of guilt.

In this discussion, we are trying to decode the concept of ‘Ananada’ as made available through Upanishadas. The reason of choosing a title as hakuna matata is to make a point clear that, when we encounter with something strange we try to understand it, and the moment we understand it, we learn from it, and the moment we learn from it we are able to use it. To put this word here, even I have gone through the same process. We all have this habit, but then why we are not using this habit to understand the true nature of our worries?, why we don’t take efforts on raising questions on our own beliefs?, why we simply define and tag things and create more complications in life?, why we ONLY READ Geeta or Puranas?, why we are afraid to testify the concepts of these scriptures?, why we say that scriptures like “Yogvashishta” should not be read in house? Why we maintain distance from the idol while performing aarti (you could very well can experience this in Ganesh Festival), there are hundreds of Why’s which are considered to be ‘Keep Quiet’ kind of a things.

Unfortunately the nature of acquired knowledge is very bad; it makes a person stubborn, because acquired knowledge creates a false belief that “now I know” and this belief restrains him from using it. If we keep a competition on ‘who’s got a problem?’ we may get thousands of participants, but if we keep a discussion session on ‘problems are our misunderstandings’ nobody will turn up.